What Is Crypto Custody?

What Is Crypto Custody?

Crypto custody, at its core, is the process of securing digital assets, particularly against potential theft. While cryptocurrencies inherently reside on a decentralized blockchain, the protection of a unique piece of information, the private key, becomes paramount. This private key is a unique alphanumeric string vital to accessing one's digital wealth. A breach or unintended disclosure of this key can lead to unauthorized access and potential loss of assets.

Historically, custodians have played a pivotal role in the traditional financial sector, ensuring the safety of various assets ranging from cash to gold bars. These custodians, around since the 1960s, have now found their place in the digital world. For cryptocurrencies, the concept of custody undergoes a slight shift. Instead of physically holding onto the assets, digital asset custodians primarily safeguard the user's private keys, ensuring the uninterrupted and safe access to one's crypto holdings.

For cryptocurrencies to gain broader acceptance, particularly among institutional investors, the concept of reliable crypto custody is essential. Concerns about security and the requisite safeguards have kept many institutional players at bay. Regulatory stipulations demand that entities like hedge funds, investment banks, and family offices employ custody partners, ensuring the safety of their clients' digital assets. As crypto's mainstream adoption continued, especially among corporates like MicroStrategy, the demand for these custody solutions witnessed exponential growth. Between January 2019 and January 2022, the digital assets under custody saw a meteoric rise, growing from $32 billion to a staggering $223 billion.

The burgeoning landscape of crypto has paved the way for numerous solutions and services tailored to safeguarding one's private keys. Users today have a plethora of options, ensuring that their digital wealth remains secure from malicious actors and inadvertent breaches.

How Does Crypto Custody Work?

Crypto custody fundamentally revolves around the secure handling of the private key, which serves as indisputable evidence of the ownership of assets within a crypto wallet. In the traditional financial sector, legal mandates dictate that only financial institutions can act as custodians. However, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies introduces a novel paradigm: individuals can opt to be their own custodians, much akin to choosing between storing gold bars under one's bed or entrusting them to a third-party equipped with a fortified vault and security measures.

Diving deeper into this, there are two predominant types of crypto custody. One approach is facilitated by specialized service providers, known as crypto custody solutions. These entities operate with a primary focus on maintaining the integrity and safety of your wallet's private key. They not only offer robust off-chain storage options for these private keys but also ensure an added layer of security against potential digital thefts.

Crypto custodians are generally licensed by governmental bodies, and they adhere to stringent cryptocurrency regulations. This encompasses practices like executing thorough know-your-customer (KYC) verifications and adhering to anti-money laundering (AML) laws. Moreover, many of these custodians extend insurance covers for the digital funds they oversee, providing a safety net against unforeseen adversities. The proof of ownership for digital assets remains unambiguous since they retain the private keys, verifying the assets' authenticity.

On the other hand, there's the option of self-custody, where individuals retain control of their private keys without relying on third-party services. It's akin to being one's own bank, ensuring that full authority and responsibility for the assets lie solely with the owner.


Self-custody in the realm of cryptocurrencies refers to the personal possession and management of one's private keys, akin to storing cash within a home safe instead of a bank. In essence, when you opt for self-custody, you maintain complete dominion over your digital assets, holding the singular ability to prove ownership and access your crypto funds.

This control is facilitated through the use of various self-custody wallets, whether hot or cold, including but not limited to mobile, desktop, hardware, or paper wallets. Each of these options provides users with a direct hand on their assets without any intervening third party.

However, the autonomy of self-custody is a double-edged sword. While it empowers individuals with unrivaled control, it also imposes upon them the entirety of associated risks. Should one misplace their cold wallet device or, worse, forget or lose their private key, the consequences can be dire. Without any external party or backup to fall back on, one's digital assets might become irretrievably lost. Thus, the ethos of self-custody is deeply intertwined with responsibility; with unparalleled control comes profound accountability.

Third-party custody

Third-party crypto custody offers individuals a streamlined way to safeguard their digital assets without the complexities of self-management. Much like traditional banking systems, these regulated entities provide a platform for managing, storing, and securing one's cryptocurrencies, making them a preferred choice for many.

When one opts for third-party custody, the intricate responsibility of managing private keys falls on the custodian, offering users peace of mind. In essence, this system mirrors the familiarity of a bank checking account, with processes like know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) checks in place to ensure the legitimacy of funds.

There are various avenues through which one can access third-party custody:

  • Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Centralized exchanges inherently offer custody services. However, it's crucial to remember that users don't possess the private keys to their wallets on these platforms, which can be a vulnerability. If an exchange suffers a security breach or operational issues, users' assets might be at risk.
  • Digital Asset Managers: As cryptocurrency gains traction as a legitimate asset class, there's a rise in specialized entities that function similarly to banks for digital assets. Renowned examples include Anchorage, NYDIG, and Paxos.
  • Custodial Banks: Post the 2020 directive from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), U.S. national banks have the green light to offer crypto custody services. This development has led traditional banking giants like BNY Mellon, Citibank, and Fidelity to join the crypto custody fray.

Despite the myriad benefits, entrusting third-party custodians with one's digital assets isn't without its drawbacks. Risks include potential account freezes, the custodian facing insolvency, and in some instances, prohibitive fees or high minimum balance requirements.

Additionally, while some third-party custodians extend their services to retail investors, others, like Fidelity or Coinbase Trust, cater mainly to institutional clientele, with the latter requiring a substantial minimum balance for its custody services.

In summary, while third-party custody offers ease and regulated security, users must weigh the benefits against the potential risks and costs.


Partial Custody

Partial custody presents a middle-ground approach in the crypto storage spectrum, blending user control with third-party security. In this custody model, custodians maintain restricted access to your assets, ensuring a collaborative management approach.

Leveraging advanced security measures like multi-signature protections (MSP) plays a pivotal role in this custody type. MSP requires multiple signatures or approvals before executing a transaction, adding an extra layer of security. This ensures that even if a malicious actor gains access, they cannot move the funds without the necessary multiple authentications.

Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) enhances security further. Beyond just a password, 2FA requires a secondary verification—typically a dynamically generated code or a biometric confirmation—to grant access. This dual-layer protection acts as a deterrent for unauthorized access attempts.

By opting for partial custody, users can retain significant control over their assets while still harnessing the advanced security infrastructure of established third-party custodians. This strikes a balance for those who might be hesitant to fully relinquish control but still want the reassurance of external security measures.

How much does third-party crypto custody cost?

When opting for a crypto custody service, users should be aware of the different fees associated with maintaining the security and accessibility of their digital assets. Just as traditional banks charge for various services, crypto custodians also have a fee structure in place.

Annual Custody Fee: This is a recurrent fee, often charged based on the total value of the digital assets held in custody. Most custodians, whether it's U.S.-based Gemini or others, generally charge less than 1% of the total asset value per year.

Setup Fee: Some custodians charge an initial fee to establish your custodial account. While many have a standard flat rate, some might waive this fee altogether, allowing users to open accounts without any upfront charges.

Withdrawal Fee: Moving your digital assets in or out of the custodial account often incurs a fee. This could be a fixed amount, like the $125 charged by Gemini, or a percentage of the withdrawn amount, with some platforms like Coinbase charging up to 1%.

It's crucial for users to weigh these costs against the benefits provided by the custodian, such as enhanced security and regulatory compliance. In contrast, those leaning towards self-custody can potentially save on these fees. However, they might bear other costs, like purchasing secure storage solutions for their private keys.

Crypto custody isn’t one-size-fits-all

Making the right choice regarding your crypto custody is a crucial decision that hinges on various factors and personal preferences. It's not a one-size-fits-all scenario. As you gain more knowledge and experience in the crypto space, or as your investment portfolio evolves, your custody strategies might shift.

For a beginner in the crypto arena, a straightforward and user-friendly approach might be the best fit. However, as expertise develops, more advanced and diverse custody solutions may be sought. Diversifying your custody methods offers an added layer of security, much like the principle of not putting all your eggs in one basket. For instance, while a hot wallet provides the convenience of swift transactions, its online nature might pose security risks. On the other hand, cold storage, being offline, offers a robust protection against potential online breaches but might not be as accessible.

Additionally, the emergence of Web3, which represents the decentralized internet and includes decentralized applications (dApps), has changed the game. Accessing this world often requires a self-custody wallet, offering users greater control over their assets and interactions.

In the same vein as diversifying stock investments, spreading your crypto across different custody solutions not only mitigates the risks associated with a single method's potential vulnerabilities but also allows for flexibility and adaptability in the fast-evolving world of digital assets. Always remain informed, and consider seeking advice from experts or seasoned crypto enthusiasts as you navigate the dynamic landscape of crypto custody.


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