Enterprise plan. How to get an individual fee

Plisio provides the development of individual tariff plans for companies and sites working with a great number of clients. 

If you are a company\online site and want to get an individual solution on service conditions (fee amount included) from our payment gateway, you should contact our support team for making a request. 

The Individual Enterprise plan can be provided only for companies compiling with certain standards and  meeting the partnership requirements. 

One of such requirements is placing the Plisio logo on the Partners block of your website. All of these requirements are set individually.  

Subscribing to the Enterprise plan gets you:

  • - Personal manager
  • - Lower fee
  • - 24\7 tech support
  • - Individual tech solutions for your website 


To get this individual plan, you can contact the support team via live chat or email [email protected]

This is a limited time offer. Hurry up and switch to the Enterprise plan! 


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