Supported cryptocurrencies

ETHETHEthereumEthereumNative coinNo
BTCBTCBitcoinBitcoinNative coinNo
LTCLTCLitecoinLitecoinNative coinNo
DASHDASHDashDashNative coinNo
TZECZECZcashZcashNative coinNo
DOGEDOGEDogecoinDogecoinNative coinNo
BCHBCHBitcoin CashBitcoin CashNative coinNo
XMRXMRMoneroMoneroNative coinNo
USDTUSDTTether ERC-20Ethereumerc-20 tokenYes
USDCUSDCUSD CoinEthereumerc-20 tokenYes
SHIBSHIBShiba InuEthereumerc-20 tokenNo
APEAPEApeCoinEthereumerc-20 tokenNo
BTTBTT_TRXBitTorrent TRC-20Trontrc-20 tokenNo
USDT_TRXUSDT_TRXTether TRC-20Trontrc-20 tokenYes
TRXTRXTronTronNative coinNo
BNBBNBBNB ChainBSCNative coinNo
BUSDBUSDBinance USD BEP-20BSCbep-20 tokenYes
USDT_BSCUSDT_BSCTether BEP-20BSCbep-20 tokenYes
ETCETCEthereum ClassicEthereum ClassicNative coinNo
TONTONToncoinTON: The Open NetworkNative coinNo
USDT_TONUSDT_TONTether TONTON: The Open NetworkTON tokenYes


Note: When topping up a cryptocurrency balance or sending funds you must make sure that the blockchains of the recipient and sender’s match. 


The Plisio service doesn’t support currencies, tokens or contacts other than available on your Dashboard. 

The attempt to send funds to a false balance/contract can end in losing your funds. Use only the cryptocurrencies, tokens and contracts available on your Dashboard.


Plisio is not responsible for the funds and commissions lost as a result of erroneous transactions. Be careful!