You are accepting crypto now.

You are accepting crypto now.

As we know by now, accepting crypto on your website is a very powerful tool for both saving money and attracting new customers. Solely introducing your website to this payment method is not enough to start gaining a profit. But what is the best way of advertising that your business accepts cryptocurrency? We want to share a few tips with in this article.

Display any cryptocurrency logo on your website

Once you’ve learnt how to accept crypto payments, you should place any crypto logo on your website. Thus you will inform your customers that you provide an opportunity to pay with digital coins. Remember, that you should choose the logo carefully. The more noticeable it is, the more attention your customers will pay to it. We advise you put it in the website header and not in the footer because it’s more effective according to today’s trends.

List your business on Bitcoin merchant directories

One of the easiest way to advertise that your business accepts crypto is to add it merchant directories. By putting your business on this list, you will expose it to many interested customers looking for a place to spend their bitcoins. If you add your store to multiple merchant directories at once, you will see a skyrocketing boost in both sales and traffic. We recommend you the following directories you can list your store on:
1. CoinMap
2. Spend-a-Bit
4. Cryptwerk

Make content about Crypto payments

Think, how many potential clients will be attracted to your business if you will post interesting and useful articles in your blog or on social media. There are a lot of people that don’t know all the subtleties about this type of payment and there is a high probability that they will be willing to give it a try. Besides, there are certain benefits like being open to SEO, which leads to more traffic of crypto users to your website. It doesn’t matter how elaborate or simple your content – every bit of information will do the trick. Though it takes plenty of time to improve your SEO, the result will be tremendous.

Participate in forums and be active on Social Media

You can easily increase your brand awareness to people worldwide. Just start a thread on on Reddit or Quora and your potential customers will hear about you! You can start your thread or comment someone else’s and you already have eyes of everyone in the niche on you. But be careful about advertising as it is against forum rules; just be part of relevant topics and add value to discussions. On Twitter you can use the right hashtags, which will expose you people willing to spend their crypto on something interesting.

Your business is in your hands. Dot leave it behind trends and your competitors!

Boost Your Sales With Plisio


Please note that Plisio also offers you:

Create Crypto Invoices in 2 Clicks and Accept Crypto Donations

12 integrations

6 libraries for the most popular programming languages

19 cryptocurrencies and 12 blockchains

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