Transaction details

1. Create your website and get the SECRET_KEY. Instruction can be found here.

2. Send the “GET” request to get transaction details.

Note: for the correct work of the service it is necessary to set Request IP



cURL request example:

curl --location --request GET

List of all supported request fields:

api_key“Secret key” value from your API » Api settings page

* - required


Success response example:


    "status": "success",
    "data": {
      "type": "mass_cash_out",
      "status": "completed",
      "confirmations": 0,
      "pending_sum": 0,
      "psys_cid": "BTC",
      "currency": "BTC",
      "source_currency": "USD",
      "source_rate": "0.00010203",
      "fee": "0.00000288",
      "commissionPayment": 2,
      "commis_percent": "1",
      "commis_sum": "0.00000402",
      "status_code": 3,
      "memo": "mass_cash_out 0.00040690 with commission 1% (0.00000402) including normal fee plan (0.00000288)",
      "sendmany": {
        "2NAAdn1BiHuXgckPKmREfVc8WTX3U3N7Qo4": "0.00020000",
        "2N7cy1atVsNZhH6EuKE7HPseMSW5QbEEC6g": "0.00020000"
      "params": {
        "fee": {
          "conf_target": 3,
          "plan": "normal",
          "value": "0.00000288"
      "tx": [
          "txid": "86b5ec4404d98b9bccaaa39630e01d49f6e5e76a97664bf18a4e0da800b9f949",
          "value": "0.00040000",
          "block": null,
          "processed": true
      "expire_at_utc": null,
      "created_at_utc": 1591873548,
      "amount": "0.00040000",
      "tx_url": "",
      "finished_at_utc": null,
      "id": "5ee210133f5a5e30771f0283"

HTTP response status code: 200


Success response:


user_idProfile ID
shop_idShop ID
typecash_in, cash_out, mass_cash_out, invoice
statuspending, completed, error, new, expired, mismatch, cancelled
tx_urllink to the cryptocurrency block explorer
idOperation ID

White-label additional data:

pending_sumUnconfirmed amount (mempool)
psys_cidID column from supported cryptocurrencies
currencyCode of the cryptocurrency (supported cryptocurrencies)
source_currencyFiat currency - USD by default or source_currency was set (See Code-column from supported fiat currencies)
source_rateExchange rate from the “psys_cid” to the “source_currency” at the moment of transfer
feeTransaction fee set in the transfer
wallet_hashDestination hash (type=cash_out) or invoice hash
sendmanyPairs of hashes and values (type=mass_cash_out)
expire_at_utcTimestamp in UTC timezone; it may need to be divided by 1000
created_at_utcTimestamp in the UTC timezone; it may need to be divided by 1000
amountAmount received/transferred by an operation (invoice, cash-in/cash-out)
sum- invoice: params.amount + Plisio commission (if customer pays commission) or params.amount (if merchant pays commission)
- cash-out: transfer amount + network fee
- cash-in: received amount
commissionPlisio commission
actual_sumReal incoming amount
actual_commissionPlisio commission taken
actual_feeNetwork fee (move invoice to wallet)
actual_invoice_sumactual_sum - actual_commis_sim - actual_fee
tx_idArray of transaction ids
confirmationsBlock confirmations number
status_codeStatus code id
params.fee“conf_target” - estimated fee parameter to confirm the transaction in the “conf_target” blocks
plan - the Plisio’s fee plan name
value - fee value (cash-out, mass-cash-out)
params.order_numberInvoice order number. It must be unique in your store (invoice)
params.order_nameOrder name (invoice)
params.descriptionOrder description (invoice)
params.source_amountInvoice amount in fiat currency (invoice)
params.source_currencyFiat currency (See Code-column from supported fiat currencies)
params.source_rateSource currency rate to cryptocurrency
params.currencyName of the cryptocurrency (supported cryptocurrencies)
params.amountInvoice amount in selected cryptocurrency (invoice)

Error response example:

    "status": "error",
    "data": {
      "name": "Not Found",
      "message": "The specified resource does not exist",
      "code": 111

HTTP response status codes: 401, 500


Error response:


data.nameerror name
data.messageerror explanation
data.codeerror code