Fee plans

Returns the model with fee plans by selected cryptocurrency. Also this model has additional fields according to the fee plan

Note: for the correct work of the service it is necessary to set Request IP





cURL request example:

curl --location --request GET https://api.plisio.net/api/v1/operations/fee-plan/BTC

List of all supported request fields:

api_key *“Secret key” value from your API » Api settings page
psys_cid *ID column from one of the supported cryptocurrencies supported by Plisio

* - required


Success response example:



    "status": "success",
    "data": {
      "normal": {
          "conf_target": 0,
          "value": 0.000222
      "priority": {
          "conf_target": 2,
          "value": 0.000444

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
      "normal": {
          "gasLimit": "21000",
          "gasPrice": "44000000000"
          "value": "0.000924000000000000"
      "priority": {
          "gasLimit": "21000",
          "gasPrice": "44000000000"
          "value": "0.000924000000000000"

HTTP response status code: 200


Error response example:


    "status": "error",
    "data": {
      "name": "Unprocessable entity",
      "message": "Unsupported currency attribute value: {\"currency\":\"BTCX\"}",
      "code": 105

HTTP response status codes: 422, 500


Error response:


data.nameerror name
data.messageerror explanation
data.codeerror code